Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil

Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil

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Product Code: LMNM-EO
Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citridora) (common names lemon myrtle, lemon scented myrtle, lemon scented ironwood) is a flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae, genus Backhousia. Other common names are sweet verbena tree, sweet verbena myrtle, lemon scented verbena, and lemon scented backhousia. The common name reflects the strong lemon smell of the crushed leaves.

Lemon myrtle is sometimes confused with "lemon ironbark", which is Eucalyptus staigeriana. B.citriodora has two essential oil chemotypes: The citral chemotype is more prevalent and is cultivated in Australia for flavouring and essential oil. Citral as an isolate in steam distilled lemon myrtle oil is typically 90–98%, and oil yield 1–3% from fresh leaf. It is the highest natural source of citral.
CAS # 84775-80-4

Botanical/INCI: Backhousia citridora
Classification: 100% Pure; Therapeutic Grade
Extraction: Steam Distillation
Plant Part Used: Leaves, Twigs

Appearance: Clear to Pale Yellow
Odor/Note: Clean, Sweet, Floral, Lemony
Solubility: Insoluble in water
Flash Point: 213° F

Specific Gravity: 1.006 @ 25º C
pH: NA
Essential oils should always be diluted in a carrier oil or other application before topical use.

Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil



Average Rating:
( 1 )
Yeya from St Paul, MN United States
December 8, 2018
Nice product
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